Fleur De Lis 8 Symbols of Happiness

8 Symbols of Happiness

My good friend Arianna has recently launched her blog, seekingabetterlife.com,  that explores her journey in uncovering the truth about nutrition and health. She recently shared her 8 symbols of happiness and challenged her readers to come up with theirs. The concept is based on her favorite writer, blogger and podcaster, Gretchen Rubin’s The 8 symbols of happiness which was inspired by the 8 Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism.


My 8 symbols of happiness are…


Heart. I think without love there would be little that would make me happy. Romantic love, parental love, love for kindred souls, friends and my family…

8 symbols of happiness

Peacock Feather. They have always made me think about the amazing natural world we live in. How can a bird just have these magnificently beautiful feathers just sprout right out of their bodies? They of course…make me happy to live in such an amazing world.

Peacock Feather 8 Symbols of Happiness

Music Note. Life would not be the same without it. Mine wouldn’t be at least. Here is a link to my happy mood playlist.

Music Note 8 Symbols of Happiness


Horse. They represent strength, freedom and personal power to me. Both strength and power foster happiness in my life. I had an obsession with horses as a child and spent many hours with them. Horses also bring me back to that time in my life which was all about freedom and was worry free. I could jump on the back of my horse and we would run full speed ahead in the open fields near our house. It was a great feeling of freedom and personal power.  

Horse 8 Symbols of Happiness

Key. I have collected keys for many years. They represent unlocking new opportunity, or being able to lock away and keep safe something cherished or that belongs in the past.

Key 8 Symbols of Happiness

Flower. Gardening, the natural world, plants. All of these things play a big role in my life for the natural therapy they provide with the quiet moments spent enjoying them.

Yellow Asiatic Lily 8 Symbols of Happiness

Infinity. It is a reminder of our true immortality, the connection to infinite time and space and the fact that we are all threads in the fabric that make up the universe. We are made up of  the same atoms that are billions of years old, the very same matter that the stars and the entire universe is made up of. As above so below. To me this is the true meaning of the understanding we are made in God’s image. Not a human per say as we think of it, but the actual molecules and atoms that form us is one and the same as God and it is infinite. Knowing this is spiritual comfort to me.

Infinity 8 Symbols of Happiness

Fleur De Lis. I’m not really sure why exactly this symbol is one that represents the decadent, hedonistic and pleasure centered part of my personality, but it is as good of one as any I suppose! This symbol, depicting a stylized lily or lotus flower, has many meanings. Traditionally, it has been used to represent French royalty, and in that sense it is said to signify perfection, light, and life.Perhaps the association of French Royalty and New Orleans and the indulgent kind of city it is makes it the perfect symbol. This symbol of happiness is the part of me that enjoys all of life’s pleasures, mysteries and indulgences.  

Fleur De Lis 8 Symbols of Happiness

Limiting the list to 8 was a challenge! These were the first to come to the top of my mind. These kind of exercises are always good for exploring our inner selves. Hope you enjoyed it too!

What are your 8 symbols? We would love to hear from you!  

Stay inspired and be creative!

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Melinda8 Symbols of Happiness

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