A Picnic in Winter

Picnic in the park

Mediterranean style picnic in the park on a warm winter day.

Weather in the high 60’s on a winters day in the Rocky Mountains makes us want to head straight outside. The girls and I decided to pack a Mediterranean style feast and head out to the park. Luckily for us nearly every last living soul was in front of their TV watching football (we are in Broncos territory after all). As the Broncos were making their way to the Superbowl, we were basking in the sun enjoying our impromptu lunch. 

We packed a small baguette, some pre-made sun dried tomato relish, salami, Italian olives, mixed nuts, fresh veggies, hummus, pasta salad, smoked Gouda cheese, crackers, San Pelligrino water and Italian sodas. This was a spontaneous event, so we decided next time we will make our own pasta salad and share the recipe here with you. (read more)

MelindaA Picnic in Winter

Vanilla Cinnamon French Toast

Vanilla Cinnamon French Toast

Vanilla Cinnamon French Toast with Star Fruit

For breakfast me and mom made french toast together.We both made different types of french toast . I made Vanilla Cinnamon french toast. We wanted to do something together so mom went to the store and got the stuff to make it . Mom just HAD to buy me a star fruit. I begged her for about 5 minutes till she said yes. And now star fruit is my new favorite fruit there is!

Here is how I made it:

Milk 1 cup “psst … we used half and half!”

1 egg

1 dash of Vanilla extract

1 pinch of cinnamon (read more)

MelindaVanilla Cinnamon French Toast

Signature Bug

Sig bugI am going to show you how to make a signature bug. A signature bug is your name in cursive. When you are done it looks like a bug. Now lets get started! The things you will need is some construction paper , a black oil pastel and a pencil.

Sig bug 3

The first thing that you do is fold the paper in half . Then you draw your name in cursive. Go over it a couple times.  Fold it in the same crease you made  before. That is when the pencil comes in.

Sig bug 2

Lay the pencil down on the paper and smooth it over with firm  pressure like shown. (read more)

MelindaSignature Bug

Yule Light Up My Life!

After receiving a very generous gift from our neighboors, i got inspired to go all out with Christmas lights. Candy cane lights, Ice-scicle lights, garland and rope are just a few types of lights we were given. So what did i do after getting these lights? i went to there house to get some ideas.

This is our neighbors’s , Jamie and Lloyds, house. Isn’t it lovely?

So After looking at there lights i adapted a few of their ideas. For example, putting rope lines around the perimeter of the yard and lining the windows. So keep in mind  that this is the first year putting up Christmas lights so i’m not a pro! (read more)

MelindaYule Light Up My Life!

Perfect Fall Day


To me a perfect fall day includes many things. On a perfect fall day, I would be curled up in a blanket looking at the colorful leaves of fall and the Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations. In my hand there would be a sweet mug of cinnamon apple cider.  The air would smell like fresh baked pumpkin pie. My thick warm blanket would shield me from the cold bitter wind. In my opinion that would be the perfect fall day.

By: Coda

MelindaPerfect Fall Day

Hello from Coda

HI! My name is Coda. I am a photographer, artist, a bit eccentric and overall unconventional thinker. I am being raised in the bohemian cottage. I live with my loving mother, Melinda, and my sister Makayla. I am also a complete animal lover!!


MelindaHello from Coda