
Bohemian; a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices.

That kind of sums it up when comes to my approach to living and expressing myself and what gave me the idea for the name Bohemian Cottage. I am a gypsy with roots and a passion for self-expression, I want to share with you ideas to make your life a work of art that isn’t about perfection.   Here you will find a place for the art of making a home with a willingness to experiment and take risks, conjuring magic from everyday mundane things. Finding artistic inspiration through cooking and entertaining, gardening and home decor, travel and art, beauty and fashion, books and music. Provocative, unconventional style that does not have to follow the rules. An imperfect, beautiful life.

Please, come on in and take a peek inside…

Yours Truly


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